Why Choose Us

Your Bright Future is Our Mission

LRC are proud of their information, advice and guidance services (IAG), which ultimately supports individuals in their choice of career, learning, work, and life goals. Staff showcased an IAG service that is instrumental to realisation of the organisation’s key performance indicators. For instance, in highlighting the overarching 98% retention target, staff described the importance of pre-entry IAG, initial assessment and additional learning support practices, to help students to make informed choices that are realistic and relevant. Skilled tutors described how in some instances they have to manage expectations and help students to ‘aspire and aim high, but also accept the need to return to learn at the appropriate level’.

Quality of Education

  • A coherent and well-designed curriculum with very effective support processes that give students, particularly the most disadvantaged, the opportunity to participate in education and training where they can gain the knowledge and confidence to be successful.
  • The majority of students are positive about their learning and understand well how this contributes to their future career goals. 
  • Tutors provide students with frequent feedback on their progress and these learners benefit from using good learning resources. This contributes to students growing in confidence and developing skills that will be useful in future employment. 
  • Business Studies tutors provide their students with regular and constructive feedback on their submitted work to support improvement.  
  • Progression rates for adult learners completing student loan funded qualifications are outstanding with 99% progressing into HE, apprenticeships, or continued employment.

Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Students enjoy their studies and training. Learners are well behaved and motivated.
  • Students feel safe, are very clear about the importance of personal safety and are aware of who they should refer to if they do have any concerns.  
  • Students consider their own safety, and that of their peers, when they travel to and from the workplace at night. 
  • Attendance for the majority of adult learners is outstanding. 
  • Information, advice, guidance, and support is very effective.
  • Tutors provide learners in business studies with effective individual support to achieve their qualification.  
  • Students who receive additional support from tutors for dyslexia are positive about the help they receive. This contributes to learners understanding the topics taught in lessons.

Personal Development

  • Students are able to effectively utilise the skills and knowledge gained, enabling them to develop and discover their interests and talents. 
  • Students acknowledge improved confidence in their work or job seeking.

Leadership and Management

  • The establishment of high ambitions for the business, the embedding of Values for the whole community and the creation of an organisational culture that is open, inclusive, and committed to improving the provision.
  • Leaders and managers have instigated quality improvement through a robust improvement plan that focuses on the area for development identified.
  • KPIs are in place to support quality improvement and effective management.
  • Effective safeguarding services.
  • Highly effective links with community partners and external organisations that enrich the Student experience, maximise outcomes, and enable the development of an expanding curriculum offer.
  • Effective consultation and communication with staff, employers, and other partners to establish a new and a well-considered strategy to provide high-quality training.

Adult Learner Loans/Adult Learning Programmes

  • Students feel their work and career prospects have been improved through their studies.
  • Tutors effectively support students to overcome barriers to learning.
  • Student have access to a range of external support agencies such as for financial assistance and counselling.   
  • Students and managers work very well with local community groups to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of the local community and businesses and provides students with routes into employment.